*Note: This is the first post in a series of fictional installments that uses the MCU's Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as a jumping off point to football "what ifs." It contains spoilers for the newest Dr. Strange.
Dr. Stephen Strange and Miss America Chavez on May 6 traveled to Earth-838's United States while fighting the Scarlet Witch. During their trip, Strange and Chavez reported a number of significant differences between 838 and Earth-616, including key variations in the way football is played.
On 838, the United States has 72 professional football teams that are all part of the same organization, according to Strange and Chavez. The NFL has 36 franchises, and each major league team has an affiliated franchise in the Minor Football League (MFL).
"All of America was excited to see football on Memorial Day weekend, too," said Chavez. Each NFL team unites with its minor league affiliate for combined spring games on both Memorial Day weekend and the 4th of July, similar to what colleges and universities do in April and May here on 616, both Chavez and Strange said.
"It's really special for the fans to be able to come out and see a little football in the offseason," said 838's Roger Goodell, who like our Goodell has been NFL commissioner since the mid-2000s. "There are some differences from the regular season. Fans have the opportunity to really get up close and personal with their favorite players, something that just isn't able to happen from September to February."
During offseason games, fans are allowed to stand in designated areas on the sidelines and chat with players. Some teams have even allowed fans to try their hand at coaching.
"We give them specific plays to choose from, but fans have run our offense during spring and summer games in the past," said 838's Bill Belichick, head coach of the five-time Super Bowl champion Cleveland Browns. "They really seem to enjoy it."
Asked if the "fans as coaches" attraction was something the NFL could go to in this universe, 616's Roger Goodell said, "it's not something that's on the table right now, but we'd never rule anything out. Our number one priority is the fans, and if calling plays in preseason games is something they might like, we'll consider it."
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